Thursday, March 12, 2009

Germany tomorrow!

So we are heading off to the land of Deutsch for a couple days...leaving tomorrow morning at 8am from Dublin airport. To get to the airport on time we need to take a bus from Galway at 2:15am. 3 hour bus ride, 3 hour plane ride, then 2 hour bus ride from the Dusseldorf airport to Cologne (Koln). Going to be a long day of travelling on what will probably be little sleep. Despite that, we're looking forward to it!
Alyssa met a German girl (Lotte) at Amnesty Internation and all three hang out pretty regularly now. Lotte is from Cologne and asked her mom if we could stay with her, and she agreed! So we are sleeping there tomorrow night...not Saturday though. On Saturday we need to get on a bus from Cologne at about 2:15am to get to the airport before our plane brings us back to Dublin at 7:15.
So yeah, it is obviously a short trip, and early travelling times, but it should be nice to finally go to the continent, albeit briefly. We are planning on doing a couple week excursion there in April so this will give us a little preview. Plus, it's Germany..Chocolate and Beer!!! I don't think there is anything that could better appease these two travellers. We are going to a Chocolate Museum in Cologne that apparently has a massive chocolate fountain. Hurray!! We are bringing our swimsuits :)
PLUS Ireland will be great to come back to! We are going to spend Sunday in Dublin and then on Monday Alyssa's Mom and sister (Cindy and Christy) are going to arrive in the city! AND THEN on Tuesday it is St. Patrick's day, which we will be marching in the parade in Galway and of course engaging in all those Irish festivities (and by all those, we all know there is really just one 'Irish festivity'...whether it be a wedding, funeral, or any other occasion).
We can't believe our trip is halfway through already but we definitely are seeing this weekend and next week as the beginning of a very good second half. We've been bumming about more than we planned to this first half so we are going to play some catch-up!
Hopefully we'll have computer access when we are in Germany but who knows. If not we'll just have to write when we get back to Galway Monday night. We'll definitely have some foamy, chocolatey pictures to put on photobucket too.

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