Thursday, February 12, 2009

Erik's random thoughts in the library...

Pink Floyd is good wherever one listens to them.
Ulysses is too, but it is even better in Ireland. I am going to Dublin this weekend with the interstudy group. I plan on spending most, or all, of my Saturday doing Joycean things...going to the James Joyce center, stopping at the sites of the Ulysses episodes, probably getting a gorgonzola sandwich and a burgundy at Davie Byrnes, walking down Sandymount strand with my eyes closed, ineluctable modality of the visible...thought through my eyes. Signatures of all things. Close your eyes and walk into eternity...
I spend most of my days reading either Joyce or Shakespeare. My other classes are minimal reading. I don't know what to do with all my time and am somewhat stir-crazy. I have applied to a bunch of volunteer organizations, even more today. Hopefully some of those go through. I will hopefully be getting something set up with Westside Ability, working with people with learning disabilities. Alyssa is staying much busier than I am with all of her work and I must say I'm somewhat jealous.
We went to the Cliffs of Moher on Sunday on a tour trip through the Burren, the landscape that makes up most of County Clare, the county south of Galway (on the other side of the bay). The whole trip was magnificent and the cliffs themselves majestic. We took pictures but the pictures don't do justice--they never do, do they? They capture the image, but not the smell, the wind, the atmosphere. Standing at the cliffs was like being witness to Earth's greatness...700 foot limestone cliff faces dropping straight down, met by the blue-ocean's crashing waves.
I have a bunch of mold growing in my room. I really need to take care of that...not good for the lungs. Of course I haven't taken good care of them in some years. The mold is growing along this crack in my wall and I am not happy about it. Who would be? A mushroom maybe...have some fungal friends.
The weather has been very good to us this week. It's hardly rained. That's good.
My wonderful laptop issued to me in December by the very prestige state institution of Winona State University is already not working well. I have not had a computer that lasted longer than 3 months without an issue from them...and all I use my computer for is email, papers, pictures, and now blogs. By no use misconduct. Lovely laptop program. You should send it back to us and make sure you insure it for $1600 and we can figure it out and send it back! I'd rather not if I don't have to. So I am just testing time and continuing its use.
My birthday is less than a week away! All the exciting birthdays are gone...just the once a decade ones to mark that you are now in your 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. Jeez! I'm not sure what we are doing for it yet. probably going out to eat and a play or a movie or something.
I like....birds.
Peace and love, live long and prosper, God bless ye, and may the Force be with you.

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